#128: space, grosbeak, crimes, salaries, rolling stone
, last check: Mon, 10 Feb 2025. Post history
Conference about a Horizon2020 project related with space (Catalan)
https://www.uab.cat/web/investigar/itineraris/la-recerca/horizon-2020/jornada-informativa-9-de-juny-horizon-2020-espai-1345685442377.html | archive.org -
Maps of the annual migration of the Rose breasted grosbeak
http://uxblog.idvsolutions.com/2015/06/migration.html -
London iso-lines map of crimes related with drugs
http://r-video-tutorial.blogspot.com/2015/05/interactive-maps-of-crime-data-in.html -
Table of salaries of digital jobs at Pays de la Loire, France
https://www.lejournaldesentreprises.com/editions/44/actualite/fait-du-mois/pays-de-la-loire-quels-salaires-dans-les-metiers-du-numerique-03-06-2015-258802.php | archive.org -
Interactive on line map for those that can't decide for one style and want them all