#132: accidents, ufo, data, blender, profiles
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
Black spots, interactive map of transit accidents at Edinburgh
http://blackspot.org.uk/ | archive.org -
UFO sightings at the USA visualised on a map and more data analysis
http://uxblog.idvsolutions.com/2015/06/sightings.html -
Online course: "Introduction to data visualisation" (in Spanish) from June 16
https://www.domestika.org/es/courses/64-introduccion-a-la-visualizacion-de-datos/victorpascual -
Advanced course on Blender applied to historical and archaeological heritage, 30 hours online
https://www3.ubu.es/ceu/?page_id=7606 | archive.org -
Web application to calculate distance and elevation profile of a route
http://arnaufp-gis.host-ed.me/elevacio/ | archive.org