#133: accidents, aerial, commercial, bridges, trains
, last check: Fri, 20 Dec 2024. Post history
15 safest countries and the 15 most dangerous by number of casualties in traffic accidents
https://blog.caranddriver.com/mean-streets-why-some-countries-are-so-far-behind-in-traffic-safety/ | archive.org -
On-line archive of georeferenced photographs from the Hungarian FÖMI
http://www.fentrol.hu/en/ | archive.org -
The most expensive commercial streets of Spain, data and map
https://www.lavanguardia.com/vangdata/20150609/54432163100/calles-comerciales-mas-caras-espana.html -
Digitalised and georeferenced collection of old postcards of bridges of NYC
https://bridgesnyc.com/postcards/items/map -
Current USA rail corridors and their adaptation to high velocities