#149: developers, ppgis, voting, philly, neuchâtel, spirit
, last check: Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Post history
One can be a junior developer even with 50 years of development experience
https://www.mattbriggs.net/blog/2015/06/01/the-role-of-a-senior-developer/ | archive.org -
Call for Papers for a special issue of the Cartographic Journal on Participatory GIS
https://povesham.wordpress.com/2015/07/04/call-for-papers-special-issue-of-the-cartographic-journal-on-participatory-gis/ -
Vector space analysis of the voting at the Polish parliament
https://marcinciura.wordpress.com/2015/07/01/the-vector-space-of-the-polish-parliament-in-pictures/ -
Multimodal routes of Philadelphia with an interactive on line service
https://gophillygo.org/ -
All the LIDAR data of the Neuchâtel canton with an on line potree viewer
https://sitn.ne.ch/lidar/ -
This is the real "Geoinquiet" spirit