#153: bitchin', stealing, cad, geographer, matching, lsd
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
Prostitution maps of London by the end of 18th century based on 1788 directory of professionals
http://www.romanticlondon.org/harris-list-1788/ -
Concealed devices with GPS and GSM hidden in bicycles to recover them if stolen
https://www.integratedtrackers.com/GPSTrack/ | archive.org -
Advanced map styling techniques in CartoDB aimed at replacing AutoCad
https://carto.com:443/blog/advanced-cartocss -
Are geographers specialized generalists or are they generalized specialists?
https://www.graphicarto.com/geography-for-the-non-geographer/ -
An old dream come true: automatically map matching GPS tracks to road network
https://www.mapbox.com/blog/map-matching-api | archive.org -
Neuronal networks for image analysis applied to cartography: maps on LSD