#172: lithologies, portolan, mosquitoes, alps, temperatures, geovan, population, agriculture, noise, steets, igo, names, transformation, emoji, cheaters, integrating, cancer, conflicts, breast
, last check: Wed, 11 Dec 2024. Post history
First sea floor lithology map made with samples and interpolation (2D/3D)
https://portal.gplates.org/ -
A portolan chart of the Mediterranean made by Joan Martines at 1854, at the Trinity College library
https://trinitycollegelibrarycambridge.wordpress.com/2015/08/14/portolan-chart-of-the-mediterranean/ -
Mosquitoes invading Europe and working as vectors to bring tropical diseases
https://www.ecdc.europa.eu:443/en/press/news/_layouts/forms/News_DispForm.aspx?ID=1263&List=8db7286c-fe2d-476c-9133-18ff4cb1b568 | archive.org -
The forgotten climbings to the south Alps by geographers to produce maps
https://www.le-cartographe.net/blog/archives/343-une-autre-histoire-des-alpes -
USA road trip following the 21ºC temperature isoline
https://imgur.com/HYAMAYA -
In-depth analysis of the Apple _geovan_ and the data and maps they produce
https://geoawesome.com/everything-there-is-to-know-about-apple-mapping-vans/ -
Interactive mapa showing the space that the NYC population would occupy at other states
https://www.slate.com/articles/life/culturebox/2014/10/population_map_use_our_interactive_map_to_figure_out_how_many_flyover_states.html -
How the access to quality geodata is changing agriculture
https://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2015/08/maps-data-and-google-maps-apis-enable.html -
Interactive map of the perceived noise near England roads
http://andjnewman.github.io/noise-map/leaflet-complete-noise.html -
All places and street names of Paris explained on a map
https://www.paristique.fr/ -
_Infrastructure Géomatique Ouverte (IGO)_: Open Source project from Québec to organize their geodata
https://www.igouverte.org/information/2015/08/13/Lancement%20de%20IGO/ | archive.org -
A new open world wide gazetteer
https://www.mapzen.com/blog/who-s-on-first -
A map of cheaters made from the lekade data from AM
https://tecnilogica.carto.com/viz/56e702fe-4693-11e5-8f79-0e853d047bba/embed_map | archive.org -
Interactive map to visualize alternatvies to the dominant economic thinking
http://transformap.co/ -
An interactive map of the most popular emoji by state at USA
https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/swiftkey?rtc=1 -
Quick template to integrate CartoDB maps
http://blog.datapolitan.com/2015/08/22/a-quick-template-for-integrating-cartodb-into-an-interactive-web-project/ | archive.org -
World map of cancer types by country
http://globalcancermap.com/ -
Orient Middle East conflicts explained and analysed with interactive and static maps
http://www.agathocledesyracuse.com/ | archive.org -
Japan map of bust sizes (gaijin beware NSFW)