#185: vegetation, projections, multimodal, book, sengoku
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
In progress second version of the Africa vegetation map
https://vegetationmap4africa.org/ -
Example and code of an interactive viewer of the distortions for a number projections
http://blockbuilder.org/enjalot/bd552e711b8325c64729 | archive.org -
Open Source multimodal routing calculator adaptable to any urban network
https://simplifier-la-mobilite.tumblr.com/post/128904688976/tempus-calculateur-ditin%C3%A9raires-multimodaux -
Book that covers the best of the contemporary creative cartography
https://gestalten.com/mind-the-map.html -
3D models of Sengoku Japan great battles available for sale