#186: urban planning, airports, svg, topojson, london
, last check: Wed, 11 Dec 2024. Post history
Geographic urban planning, branding and cities identity
https://www.archdaily.com/773340/bart-lootsma-on-innsbruck-city-branding-and-geographical-urbanism -
3D portal of Kansas state aviation services
http://ksaviationportal.ksdot.org/aviationportal/ | archive.org -
Tutorial to produce SVG maps from Natural Earth data
https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/09/making-svg-maps-from-natural-earth-data/ -
QGIS plugin to export features on topojson format to be used with d3
http://maprenderer.org/d3/ | archive.org -
Geographic version of the London tube map