#201: elections, humappities, soccer, gdocs, jukebox
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
A different map from the Catalan elections: separated municipalities size by vote, colour by option
https://rochoa.carto.com/builder/3ac1d804-663e-11e5-96f2-0e3bf0989add/embed -
Conference: "Humanities and the cartography turnaround" November 19-20, Cáceres (Spain)
http://www.grupocilem.net/ | archive.org -
Voronoi, soccer, maps that are not maps and context to understand data
http://cartonerd.blogspot.com/2015/10/voronoi-footballs.html -
Making dynamic maps with queries to GDocs spreadsheets via Guardian Datastore
https://blog.spaziogis.it/2015/10/06/guardian-datastore-explorer-per-costruire-query-su-fogli-elettronici-google-drive/ -
Map of the preferred tunes at USA jukeboxes