#210: trees, server, pastafari, nyc, osm
, last check: Wed, 15 Jan 2025. Post history
All Paris trees, 90.348, on a single map with open data
https://opendata.paris.fr:443/explore/embed/dataset/les-arbres/?tab=map&static=false&datasetcard=false&location=13,48.85139,2.32687 -
Easy deploy of your own customized tile server with OSM and AWS
http://tilelauncher.mapsquare.io/#/ | archive.org -
Pastafarism map
https://flyingspaghettimonster.wikia.com/wiki/Pastafarianism | archive.org -
The Here&There horizontless map recreated with OSM Buildings
https://osmbuildings.org/examples/inception/?lat=40.69993&lon=-74.01636&zoom=17.0&tilt=90.0&rotation=30.0 | archive.org -
The importance of OSM on the growth and change at the geospatial sector
https://www.gisdoctor.com/site/2015/10/12/reasons-openstreetmap/ | archive.org