#230: smart, cheese, astronomy, young, schedules
, last check: Wed, 11 Dec 2024. Post history
Origin of the _Smart City_ term, a reasonable explanation (Catalan)
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/qui-va-inventar-la-smart-city-una-hipòtesi-plausible-david-nogué -
Will the new territorial division will change Designations of Origin, leaving us without cheese???
http://geotheque.org/aoc-aop-fromage-match-nouvelles-regions/ | archive.org -
Celestial cartography study to recover ancient astronomic information (PDF thesis)
https://digitum.um.es/digitum/handle/10201/42086 -
Young population distribution by neighborhoods at Barcelona
https://www.lavanguardia.com/vangdata/20151116/54438632071/poblacion-joven-barcelona-barrios-ricos-pobres.html -
Interactive visualization of the advantages of Daylight saving times at the USA