#232: trains, globes, metro, hydrology, migrations
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
Chronogram of train starting at Manhattan, NYC
https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2007/03/17/nyregion/nyregionspecial2/20070318_TRAIN_GRAPHIC.html -
3D Virtual globes online museum, with KMZ links for download
http://terkeptar.elte.hu/vgm/2/ | archive.org -
London tube map with medial place names
http://londonist.com/2014/12/the-medieval-tube-map -
Water resistant LIDAR system for marine surveying
https://www.renishaw.com/en/merlin-vessel-based-coastal-offshore-and-inland-waterway-lidar-mapping-system--36622 | archive.org -
Migration world map, inward and outwards, by countries
https://www.iom.int/world-migration | archive.org