#241: trains, formats, field, forum, pollution
, last check: Fri, 31 Jan 2025. Post history
On line railway map with an old style touch and based on OSM via @realivansanchez
https://www.thunderforest.com/blog/pioneer/ -
A really comprehensive GIS formats list, both raster and vector
https://gisgeography.com/gis-formats/ -
Qfield, the mobile spin of QGIS to work outside your office
https://www.3liz.com/blog/rldhont/index.php?post/2015/12/01/QField-pour-Android-5?post/2015/12/01/QField-pour-Android-5 | archive.org -
Geospatial World Forum, May 23 to 26 at Rotterdam
https://geospatialworld.net/gwf/ -
PM2.5 pollution level map of Europe with 2012 data