#243: hot, pensioners, entrances, art, df
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
Satellite imagery of mud and destruction and the job of HOT (thanks @realivansanchez)
http://www.codigourbano.org/imagens-de-satelite-mostram-rastro-de-lama-e-destruicao-em-mariana-mg/ | archive.org -
World map of pensioners poverty at OECD countries
https://www.statista.com/chart/4101/where-is-pensioner-poverty-the-most-prevalent/ -
3D land photogrammetry of church entrances with a mobile phone
https://www.manuelgago.org/blog/2015/12/03/tolos-pola-fotogrametria-3d/ -
Art installation that automates the update of old printed maps using new data
https://quadrature.co/work/kartograph/ -
Updated metro map of Mexico DF with icons of all the stations