#246: overview, read, polarization, crimes, rome
, last check: Wed, 30 Oct 2024. Post history
100 best maps, first part
http://visualoop.com/blog/90498/100-outstanding-interactive-maps-of-2015-part-1 | archive.org -
Longreads 2015: the best stories to read to understand this year
https://longreads.com/2015/12/01/longreads-best-of-2015-here-are-all-of-our-no-1-story-picks-from-this-year/ -
Polarization to improve the quality of scanned 3D models
https://web.media.mit.edu/~achoo/polar3D/ | archive.org -
SF arrest maps reveal the most common crimes at every zone
https://www.brandbucket.com/names/upout?source=ext -
All roads to Rome: visual analysis of road and street networks
https://roadstorome.moovellab.com/ | archive.org