#272: persuasive, competitiveness, passengers, aliens, meetups
, last check: Tue, 11 Feb 2025. Post history
Persuasive cartography: maps created to convince more tan educating
https://persuasivemaps.library.cornell.edu/ -
Global competitiveness report with data and rankings 2015-2016
https://reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-report-2015-2016/report-highlights/ | archive.org -
Animated map of Moscow metro wifi users
http://map.maximatelecom.ru/ -
Presentation of an app to register plants and animals invading species
http://www.icc.cat/cat/Home-ICC/Mapes-escolars-i-divulgacio/Esdeveniments/Agenda-2016/Jornada-Especies-exotiques-invasores.-Projecte-IASTracker -
An app to help you get the best place to meet and calculate group expenses