#286: reus, monsters, asado, waste, pre-history, unity
, last check: Thu, 19 Dec 2024. Post history
Municipal cartography from the city of Reus, thanks Aniol
https://www.reus.cat/noticia/lajuntament-publica-el-geoportal-el-nou-mapa-web-amb-serveis-avancats-i-acces-line-la -
Realistic sculptures of the mythological monsters from medieval maps
http://hifructose.com/2015/01/29/bailey-henderson-sculpts-mythological-sea-monsters-from-medieval-maps/ -
World map of the best places for "asado" and their prices
http://www.elmapadelasado.com.ar/ | archive.org -
Crowd sourced world atlas of wastelands with statistical data
http://www.atlas.d-waste.com/ -
Spatial technologies to study pre-history
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tecnolog%C3%ADas-espaciales-para-estudiar-la-prehistoria-reciente-pozuelo -
Using LIDAR data with Unity to 3D explore landscapes