#293: storage, mars, tiles, preservation, coding, fractal
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
360TB hard disks that last millions of years ad save data in 5 dimensions
https://www.southampton.ac.uk/news/2016/02/5d-data-storage-update.page -
How a Mars map is made via @realivansanchez and VG
https://christopherwesson.azurewebsites.net/2016/02/17/how-i-created-a-martian-map-and-why/ | archive.org -
A tiled map of typical tiles via @xurxosanz
http://barradeau.com/blog/?p=787 -
Regarding the custody of geospatial data preservation, two parts
https://blogs.loc.gov/thesignal/2016/02/blurred-lines-shapes-and-polygons-part-1-an-ndsr-ny-project-update/ -
For those of you at the GIS world, you need to learn to code
https://www.graphicarto.com/the-land-of-coding/ -
Pataphysical atlas, a fractal world map and other related works