#294: lastools, vtiles, baltimore, philly, health, fabric
, last check: Fri, 14 Feb 2025. Post history
Easy viewing and downloading LIDAR data with custom portals created using lastools and potree
https://rapidlasso.de/new-laspublish-creates-web-portals-for-3d-viewing-and-downloading-of-lidar/ -
English Ordnance Survey publishes 10k cartography on vector format, with styling
https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/blog/2016/01/migrating-to-a-customisable-os-mapping-dataset/ | archive.org -
Static guns versus knives crime map of Baltimore (2011 to 2015)
http://mantascode.com/guns-vs-knives-used-to-commit-crimes-in-baltimore/ -
Analysis on how Philly people get to work
https://element84.com/blog -
Hospitals and health care sector interest on geospatial technologies
https://www.hcinnovationgroup.com -
Maps made with fabric, sewing different pieces together