#306: lego!, london, cartographer, trees, globes, wind
, last check: Fri, 24 Jan 2025. Post history
Instructions to create a 50cm Lego globe with 3863 bricks, 7kg and 4 days of work
https://www.moc-pages.com/moc.php/353076 -
1616 London skyline versus 2016 via @freyfogle
https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/mar/03/london-skyline-1616-2016-interactive-faders-visscher -
How a modern cartographer creates good maps via @xurxosanz and @realivansanchez
https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/03/cartographer/471069 -
A mobile app to identify Iberian and Balearic trees
https://www.arbolapp.es/ -
Gallica globes collection scanned in 3D
https://www.laboiteverte.fr/les-plus-beaux-globes-de-gallica-scannes-en-3d/ -
Observations based world wide wind predictions map