#339: ip, poetry, qgis, york, ign, winter
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
Maps, IP addresses and geocoding errors
http://fusion.net/story/287592/internet-mapping-glitch-kansas-farm/ | archive.org -
Maps and poetry, some articles relating both topics
https://www.maproomblog.com/2015/12/maps-and-poetry/ -
New project for a web and mobile versions of QGIS
http://imincik.blogspot.com/2016/02/gislab-web-new-generation-qgis-web-and.html?m=1 -
Historic map of York reveals urban development since the Romans
https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/14250040.Mapping_out_2_000_years_of_York_history/ -
Comparing the different maps French NMA (IGN) publishes, also with other providers
http://mavisionneuse.ign.fr/visio.html | archive.org -
Winter from above, gallery of vertical images of snowy landscapes