#358: meteo, stories, spam, radars, rents, guns
, last check: Wed, 12 Feb 2025. Post history
OSCAR/Surface meteorological network metadata via @jgcasta
https://oscar.wmo.int/surface/ -
How to use maps to tell stories
http://www.carlapedret.cat/maps-stories-cartodb-mapbox-fusion-tables/ | archive.org -
Spam, an OS library based on Canvas and D3 to easily compose maps
https://github.com/newsappsio/spam -
Map of section radaras in Catalonia
https://elpais.com/cat/2016/05/03/catalunya/1462292230_734820.html -
Open Source map and analysis of the housing rents in Europe
http://survey-smiles.com -
2015 accidents with toddlers and guns at the USA
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/05/01/toddlers-have-shot-at-least-23-people-this-year/ | archive.org