#377: shops, tools, housing, qgis, neocartographers
, last check: Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Post history
Maps of USA cities retail shops
https://cityobservatory.org/maps/storefronts/start.html -
Recap of 10 online tools for map making
https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/map-tools/ -
Most of Italy housing was built prior to 1919
https://route4me.com/es?utm_source=metricmaps -
Basic QGIS 16 hours training at Cibernàrium in July, 50EUR
https://w144.bcn.cat/cibernarium/cat/activitats/editActivitat-ws/sistemes-dinformacio-geografica-amb-qgis.do?id=771993 | archive.org -
Everybody is a cartographer: effects of neo-cartography on maps quality