#380: planes, coffee, water, mrr, neighbors, date
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
The network and cluster map of aerial transport
http://www.martingrandjean.ch/connected-world-air-traffic-network/ -
Map of the narrow belt of coffee production
https://www.coffeeforless.com/articles/coffee-bean-growing-belt.html -
Lake Mead at its lowest level since 1937 because of the drought
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/88099/visualizing-the-highs-and-lows-of-lake-mead -
MRR, a new multi-resolution raster file format
https://www.pitneybowes.com/us/blog.html -
Results of a neighborhood survey on common itineraries around Pere IV zone
https://eixpereiv.org/resultats-de-lenquesta/ -
How to figure out the age of an undated world map via @realivansanchez