#382: dialects, cities, maps, displays, sld
, last check: Tue, 11 Feb 2025. Post history
An application maps of the reduction of English dialects diversity
https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/cambridge-app-maps-decline-in-regional-diversity-of-english-dialects -
Can you identify cities from a blank map? via @realivansanchez
https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/may/31/quiz-can-you-identify-the-city-from-the-blank-street-map -
Google versus Apple maps comparison via @realivansanchez
https://www.justinobeirne.com/cartography-comparison -
Open Source library to create unusual interactive displays, thanks VPA
http://googlecreativelab.github.io/anypixel/ -
Map styling, is SLD dead? does exists any other alternative?