#423: cartography, trends, global, alboran, lidar, ethnics, book, midwest, paris, hornets
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Reproducible cartography: tools and methods to improve cartography production
https://neocarto.hypotheses.org/2435 -
Interactive globe about Google search trends by country
https://neomam.com/interactive/trendmap/ | archive.org -
A github for global data, by invite at this moment
https://data.world/ -
Alboran sea geoportal
http://www.iucn-geoportalboran.org/es/proyecto | archive.org -
Medina Azahara is being revealed again with LIDAR data
https://cordopolis.eldiario.es/cultura/medina-azahara-aflora-nuevo_1_7116572.html -
Ethnic neighborhoods NYC map
https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/01/23/nyregion/20110123-nyc-ethnic-neighborhoods-map.html?_r=0 -
Connectograhpy, a book using maps to explain civilization future
https://www.paragkhanna.com/book/connectography-mapping-the-future-of-global-civilization/ -
USA Midwest boundaries through a hundred different maps
http://www.radicalcartography.net/index.html?midwest -
Paris at night, a picture from ISS
https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/paris-night/ -
Invasion and expansion map of the Asian hornet in the Iberian peninsula
https://blog.creaf.cat/en/noticies/invasion-asian-hornet/ | archive.org