#439: relief, bodleian, indians, vancouver, 3d
, last check: Thu, 19 Dec 2024. Post history
How to visualize relief on maps
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ -
Book with a summary of the Bodleian Library made with 75 extraordinary maps
https://bodleianshop.co.uk/home-page-category/treasures-from-the-map-room.html | archive.org -
The invasion of America: how native Americans lost their lands
https://usg.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=eb6ca76e008543a89349ff2517db47e6 -
Vancouver 1893 map overlayed with actual imagery via @realivansanchez
https://www.fortyninemaps.com/vanmap/vancouver-1893.html -
Simple immersive web visit to a historical theater (link at the end)
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/virtual-reality-project-site-visitation-paul-tice?trk=hp-feed-article-title-like | archive.org