#509: imaginary, gotthard, andorra, cartographer, dylan
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
Tiny tumblr blog to collect imaginary places, via @realivansanchez
https://lugaresimaginarios.es/ -
Advertising of the Gotthard railway over time, maps included
https://retours.eu/en/37-gotthardbahn-posters/ -
Andorra SDI has been updated with services, data and downloads, all based on Open Source
https://seystic.com/seys-ha-desarrollado-ide-andorra/ -
Biography of the Scottish XVII century cartographer John Ogilby, author of the first road atlas of Great Britain
https://www.maproomblog.com/2016/12/new-biography-of-17th-century-cartographer-john-ogilby/ -
Interactive map of places mentioned on Bob Dylan's songs