#512: spanish, dialect, book, lunch, collection
, last check: Wed, 11 Dec 2024. Post history
Spanish language atlas: 3rd edition, full of graphics resources. PDF and Epub
https://www.fundaciontelefonica.com/cultura-digital/publicaciones/539/ -
Spanish language superdialects map based on georeferenced tweets
https://medium.com/@FMORENOFDEZ/los-superdialectos-del-espanol-global-5aa83b2e9d85#.nq2ebral4 -
Guy Laramee sculptures made of books, literary topography
https://www.pacha-cartographe.fr/le-blog-du-cartographe/sculptures-de-livres/ -
Cartographies to improve our world: science lunch between ACTIG and ICGC
http://www.elpuntavui.cat/societat/article/-/1032906-cartografies-per-millorar-el-mon.html -
Another collection of the 2016 best maps