#524: humanities, networks, escape, beer, transit
, last check: Wed, 20 Nov 2024. Post history
Standford University spatial history project to link with humanities
http://stanford.edu/group/spatialhistory/cgi-bin/site/index.php | archive.org -
A couple of infographics about the USA urban networks characteristics
http://www.thegreatamericangrid.com/infographics -
WWII escape maps on poker cards decks, now reprinted
https://www.tumblr.com/interesting-maps/155399318959/commemorative-escape-map-decks-like-these-were -
Paris subway map of cheap beer
https://www.pacha-cartographe.fr/le-blog-du-cartographe/metro-paris-bieres/ -
Uber movement data now available to study cities transportation
https://uber.com/business/movement-decommissioning | archive.org