#526: boston, manhattan, webcam, geolocation, floods
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Average Boston flat rent prices per subway stop
https://bostonpads.com/boston-rental-market/average-boston-rent-prices-t-stop/ -
Mapping all Manhattan buildings with more than 10 floors by use and year
https://skyscraper.org/map-and-directions/ -
Interactive tourist open webcams
https://igocam.com/map -
Neuronal network trained to geolocate any picture
https://www.technologyreview.com/2016/02/24/161885/google-unveils-neural-network-with-superhuman-ability-to-determine-the-location-of-almost/ -
Flood monitoring using the QGIS semi-automatic classification plugin