#543: geoint, switzerland, data series, sahel, geoglyphs
, last check: Mon, 09 Dec 2024. Post history
State and future of GEOINT. A 2017 PDF report from the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF)
http://usgif.org/system/uploads/4897/original/2017_SoG.pdf | archive.org -
Next generation open source portal from the Switzerland federal office of topography that can be deployed everywhere
https://github.com/geoadmin/mf-geoadmin3 -
Distribute your data sets from your sensor network with a OS server
http://istsos.org/ -
A series of maps to understand the Sahel powder keg and arms trafficking
https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/visuel/2017/02/04/tout-comprendre-a-la-poudriere-du-sahel-en-cartes_5074658_4355770.html -
The list, and its KML file, of the 440 geoglyphs discovered in the Amazon so far