#571: madrid, nfl, commuting, nyc, gravity, valencia
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
Madrid parking lots map, by regulation type
https://support.google.com/fusiontables/answer/9551050 -
USA map of the distance to closest NFL stadium, counted by counties
https://openseadragon.github.io/openseadragonizer/?img=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redditmedia.com%2FyOu48q1Ikj0aeHYbAMw99oEUeddF95FIpkjzetaqUY8.jpg%3Fs%3De6a24890dc3af925db4312acfa35a589&encoded=true -
Commuting animated map of England and Wales
http://bigbytes.mobyus.com/commuteuk.aspx?Lad=E07000126&Region=E12000002&MinKMs=0&MaxKMs=90&LadType=home | archive.org -
Map of public transport travel time from every location in NYC
https://transit.sidewalklabs.com/ | archive.org -
Vertical Gravity index interactive 3D globe
https://portal.gplates.org/cesium/ -
Map of the healthy routes and gyms for the Valencia west/south surroundings, thanks to FG (broken link at this moment)
https://www.rutesportshorta.org/ca/mapa/ | archive.org