#572: nocturnal, trump, auroras, mars, cartographer
, last check: Fri, 31 Jan 2025. Post history
A collection of nocturnal photographs taken from the international space station via @realivansanchez
https://oeg4.dia.fi.upm.es/404/ -
Satirical manuscript map of Trump ties already on sale via @realivansanchez
http://cartonerd.blogspot.com/2017/03/trumps-ties.html -
Map of northern Canada with the best places to see northern lights via @realivansanchez
https://canadiangeographic.ca/article/interactive-map-see-northern-lights-across-canada | archive.org -
A video flying Mars made with HiRISE satellite images via @realivansanchez
https://www.mayrhoferkran.at/ -
Redefining mapping for the 21st century: what life is like a current cartographer via @realivansanchez