#595: nyc, peaks, inequalities, homeless, urban
, last check: Mon, 16 Dec 2024. Post history
3D interactive map to discover NYC Morningside historical district
https://nyclpc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer3d/index.html?id=abd5f6ae90f049bd9359681c9ac1402d -
Comparing Everest and Mont Blanc with QGIS and QGIS2ThreeJS
https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevefaeembra/33648104655/ -
Unequal France: maps that show big social groups land distribution
https://theconversation.com/la-france-inegale-partage-social-de-lespace-francais-75604 -
Map showing stories and statistics of USA homeless population
http://ww7.understandhomelessness.com/explore/?usid=25&utid=8249594656 -
Studying the urban areas evolution of Spain with night imagery (PDF)