#613: silk, place names, awards, population, transport
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
The new Silk Route that will change the world in 10 years and will put China in the front of the world
https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/la-nova-ruta-de-la-seda-un-pla-marshall-xines-que-canviara-el-mon-en-deu-anys-the-belt-and-road-initiative/ -
The importance of place names standardization
https://www.nga.mil/ -
2017 Oregon University department of Cartography awards
https://socialsciences.uoregon.edu/geography -
Eight states population fit in the five boroughs of New York City
https://route4me.com/es?utm_source=metricmaps -
London public transport network visualized over time with Open Data