#650: osm, mapmatching, geotagging, modeling
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
Beta version of a portal for OSM data with different visualizations
https://www.mapcat.com/ | archive.org -
Online service to match and enrich GPS traces using OSM segments
https://www.mapzen.com/blog/map-matching/ -
Geotagging service for NYPL old pictures
https://wayback.archive-it.org/18689/20220311220926/https://www.nypl.org/blog/2017/07/07/surveyor-photos-map -
A Google Street View car for Wunderland, the giant railway model
https://amp.businessinsider.com/google-miniatur-wunderland-street-view-photos-2017-7 | archive.org