#665: facets, webgis, space, dufour, venice, mapstudy, camino de santiago, segments, ecosystem, moon, routing, globe, geomarketing, vetor tiles, air quality
, last check: Mon, 10 Feb 2025. Post history
Geofacet for R provides an easy way to display faceted info using ggplot2
https://hafen.github.io/geofacet/ -
GeoMapFish is a webgis and API, flexible and easy to extend
https://geomapfish.org/ -
Map of the aeronautical, space and defense industries in France
https://carto.iau-idf.fr/cartoviz/?id_appli=aero | archive.org -
Book about the life of Guillaume-Henri Dufour, European Surveyor of the year 2017
http://www.igs100.ch/en/european-surveyor-of-the-year-2017/fluid-book-guillaume-henri-dufour.html#/page/1 | archive.org -
Machine learning project to analyze 1000 years of maps and manuscripts from Venice golden age
https://idp.nature.com/transit?redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nature.com%2Farticles%2Fn-12446262&code=598ad675-ed7e-4c0f-ae8d-b5489a56d08a | archive.org -
MapStudy is an integrated, modularized framework to test cartographic hypothesis
https://github.com/uwcart/mapstudy/ -
Weather for the different pilgrimage routes of Camino de Santiago
https://caminoways.com/weather-on-the-camino-de-santiago -
Traffic segments from OSM data ready to be used on any application
https://www.mapzen.com/blog/osmlr-2nd-technical-preview/ -
Detailed analysis of the location ecosystem and its evolution
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/location-ecosystem-20-from-two-sharks-whale-shark-neil-shah -
False color mosaic of the Moon to understand its surface soil composition
https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA00132 -
How to analyze driving distances using a road network
http://ghost.mixedbredie.net/driving-distance-animations-with-pgrouting-a-how-to/ | archive.org -
Doing geodata visualizations using Golang
https://github.com/mmcloughlin/globe -
Social geomarketing, or the value of data for market studies via @sfggeogis
https://retinatendencias.com -
T-Rex is an Open Source PostGIS vector tile server
https://t-rex.tileserver.ch/ -
USA air quality map shows both pollution and ragweed pollen