#710: routes, meters, lights, time
, last check: Thu, 19 Dec 2024. Post history
World flight routes with distance and airport filters
https://public.tableau.com/views/flightroutesoftheworld/Dashboard1?:embed=y&:display_count=yes:showVizHome=no -
How many meters you can get with a 1500$ monthly rent in 30 cities
https://www.rentcafe.com/blog/rental-market/what-is-1500-worth-worldwide-rent-per-square-foot-around-the-globe/ -
Electric power cut in Puerto Rico measured using satellite imagery
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/91044/pinpointing-where-lights-went-out-in-puerto-rico -
Four dimensions maps: satellite imagery over time and displayed over the relief