#720: landsat, open data, roads, illumination, had
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
Processing and serving Landsat images with AWS Lambda and Rasterio
https://blog.mapbox.com/combining-the-power-of-aws-lambda-and-rasterio-8ffd3648c348 -
The importance of working with open geodata for temporal and economic analysis
https://www.goodrebels.com/rebelthinking/working-with-open-data/ -
World road OSM map coded by labels and if they are named or not
https://jenningsanderson.com/osm-highway-tags -
Puerto Rico public illumination after Maria hurricane recovers slowly
https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/national/puerto-rico-hurricane-recovery/?tid=ss_in | archive.org -
Automatic object recognition to create Highly Automated Driving maps