#725: tubbs, galicia, california, insurance, landscapes
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Detailed explanation in time and space of the Tubbs fire in California on October 2017
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/21/us/california-fire-damage-map.html?_r=0 -
Eight maps that review of the main reasons of 2017 Galicia forest fires
http://www.gciencia.com/medioambiental/oito-mapas-incendios-en-galicia/ -
2cm drone imagery to measure the impact of last California wildfires
https://blog.mapbox.com/2-cm-drone-imagery-of-damage-to-coffey-park-and-journeys-end-in-santa-rosa-861cd64953df -
Sentinel 1 imagery is used to speed insurance payouts
https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-1/Sentinel-1_speeds_up_crop_insurance_payouts -
On-line interactive tool to find your favorite French landscape based on six different criteria