#753: boston, gas, isochrones, maps
, last check: Fri, 24 Jan 2025. Post history
A different FOSS4G review from one of the previous organizers
https://knowwhereconsulting.co.uk/blog/foss4g-its-getting-better-all-the-time/ -
The European Gas network, with 2017 data (pdf)
https://www.entsog.eu/public/uploads/files/publications/Maps/2017/ENTSOG_CAP_2017_A0_1189x841_FULL_064.pdf | archive.org -
An experimental online service to generate routes and isochrones per transport method, time and distance
https://maps.openrouteservice.org/reach -
How maps presence in all industries are growing and how they are pushing a new tech revolution