#758: subsoil, lidar, similarities, cartogram
, last check: Tue, 14 Jan 2025. Post history
Soil alchemists, a visit to the rhizosphere, the beasts of the subsoil, microbial biomass and fungs, made by an artist cartographer
https://www.visionscarto.net/ces-si-extra-ordinaires -
Nude Earth: geology and natural hazards at Washington state revealed using LIDAR
https://wadnr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=36b4887370d141fcbb35392f996c82d9 -
Topos Similarity index uses a number of indicators to compare neighborhoods and a hidden city
https://medium.com/topos-ai/introducing-the-topos-similarity-index-and-x-everywhere-82fcec1fb367 -
Python script to generate equal area cartograms as SVG or GeoJSON files from a Shapefile, GeoJSON or CSV