#802: figures, cemetery, legends, run away
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
All the updated and reusable statistical data from Sant Cugat in an interactive and visual portal
http://xifres.santcugat.cat/ | archive.org -
Students project to provide Little Lake cemetery an application to display monuments location, picture, and transcription
https://ptbo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=39bbaceee605472690231bbc5ef6d3e9 -
Legends, folklore, and oral traditions catalog made by the Oslo university via @realivansanchez
https://frigg.sprakochfolkminnen.se/static/js-apps/sagenkarta-norsk/ -
Urban shapes: a poster displaying how much you can reach with a one hour drive from different European cities