#826: geobigdata, foss4guk, drones, executions
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
A thoughtful tutorial on how to chain Open Source software to analyze big data with a geospatial component
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/probando-software-big-spatial-data-sin-morir-en-el-intento-huarte/ -
A personal review of the 2018 FOSS4G UK conference by @StevenFeldman
https://knowwhereconsulting.co.uk/blog/foss4g-uk-a-personal-view/ -
Best practices manual on using drones for cartographic purposes (PDF)
https://wildlabs.net/sites/default/files/community/files/drones_for_gis_-_best_practice_1.2.pdf -
A cartographic project of executions in Catalonia over the Franco dictatorship