#840: thefts, gazetteer, houses, roads
, last check: Thu, 16 Jan 2025. Post history
A scroll map of the big amount of San Francisco car thefts compared with a little number of arrests
https://projects.sfchronicle.com/2018/sf-car-breakins/ -
Interactive San Francisco gazetteer, detailing streets and public buildings names history
http://sfstreets.noahveltman.com/#5120 -
Mapping the spread of more than 1 million dollars houses in San Francisco, nowadays more than 50%
https://www.bloomberg.com/tosv2.html?vid=&uuid=555eb389-50a5-11ef-add0-83311809c063&url=L25ld3MvYXJ0aWNsZXMvMjAxNi0wNS0xOS90aGUtc3ByZWFkLW9mLWJpbGxpb25haXJlLXMtYmF5LXRoZS1nbHV0LW9mLW1pbGxpb24tZG9sbGFyLWhvbWVzLWFjcm9zcy1zYW4tZnJhbmNpc2Nv -
Map of the quietest and the ten most scenic routes in the USA