#854: cartoheritage, women, pints, trajectories
, last check: Wed, 29 Jan 2025. Post history
Complete Twitter thread following 13th ICA #DACH conference in Madrid at April 20th, 2018 made by @e2molin #cartoheritage
https://twitter.com/e2molin/status/986533285366042625 -
How the female streets names project was made by @GeochicasOSM on an article and how-to made by @jsenag
https://medium.com/@jessisena/lascallesdelasmujeres-thestreetsofwomen-meets-mapbox-mapmadness18-9a606c0fa3b6 -
Pints in the sun: a locator for pubs in England to find where to have sunny beers at a given time of the day
https://pintsinthesun.co.uk/ | archive.org -
A good explanation of the differences between orthodromic and loxodromic trajectories when moving around the globe
https://www.geografiainfinita.com/2018/04/loxodromia-y-ortodromia/ | archive.org