#863: arctic, cresques, demography, expansion
, last check: Tue, 14 Jan 2025. Post history
Russian Arctic 10 years development plan explained with an article and a couple maps
https://legrandcontinent.eu/2018/01/25/larctique-en-deux-cartes -
Gallica publishes a high-resolution scan of the Catalan Atlas by Abraham Cresques in 1375 and offered to Charles V
https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b52509636n/f1.planchecontact -
Populations Past: an atlas of Victorian and Edwardian demographics and socioeconomic variables between 1851 and 1911
https://www.populationspast.org/ -
Atlas of Urban Expansion: a multiple phase research effort to control qualitative and quantitative aspects of global urban development