#874: neighborhoods, bikes, pollution, cassini
, last check: Tue, 11 Feb 2025. Post history
Geodemographic classification map using presence and usage of the Internet to display neighborhoods typologies of Great Britain
https://maps.cdrc.ac.uk/#/geodemographics/iuc18/default/BTTTFFT/12/-1.9500/52.4900/ -
The bike share map shows station locations, statistics, and service overviews of 300 cities worldwide
https://bikesharemap.com/barcelona/ -
Barcelona urban pollution is mostly because of vehicles, including motorbikes via @oscarfonts
https://sciencecorner.diba.cat/blogs/2018/05/10/contaminacion-urbana-ciencia-detecta-problema-de-todos-sistemas -
Vectorizing Cassini's map to get historical geodata about forests, rivers, populated places and transport network