#891: pandas, slam, nola
, last check: Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Post history
GeoPandas is an easy way to work with geospatial data and Python, even on Jupyter notebooks
http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/geopandas-shapefiles-jupyter/ -
SLAM (Simultaneously Localize And Map) technique allows drones to combine all pictures to generate a 3D model while flying
https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/cdl-systems/hydra-fusion-tools.html | archive.org -
Using GIS and Maps New Orleans is getting ready for an unpredictable future where its neighborhoods are adapting to an array of different weather possible events
https://datasmart.ash.harvard.edu/news/article/map-monday-climate-smart-cities-new-orleans | archive.org